Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Checkboard Collage Art

 This is what Art Day is all about. Take and unusual painting surface, find interesting images, mediums, and  textures put on your creativity hat and play with imagination. You don’t even have to know where you are going when you start, just start and see where your adventure takes you. You can always paint over it and start in another direction. Don’t be shy.
    I found some checker boards that did not fold in the center at a junk store. They were a $1 a board and cheaper than any canvas with a nice black fabric finish. I covered it with gesso and grabbed a couple images from old magazines. Then added paint and some other photocopied graphics and some handlettering.  I like the result.
    This was an ArtDay project for the older kids and here are some of their creations. Marvelous!!
Grandma Kathy

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