Sunday, February 21, 2010

Claymation Experience

Working with clay is fun! working with clay and making a film is even more fun! As one of our Art Day projects we made little characters of clay and then did a claymation using my little doll house as a background.
The idea was to have each character come up to my character (Mr. Bill/Nowhere Man) and do something with or to him. Each child decided what the character would do and we together would pose them step by step and grandma would shoot the camera for each frame. The camera was on a tripod for steadiness.
One of the characters, as you will see in the film, actually goes through the floor/ceiling (we kept slicing the clay guy and reattaching him on the other side).
One of our family's favorite DVD's series is the "Wallace and Gromit" series. This project was a good lesson in how these films are made and how much work they are to put together. I hope we can make another one someday that's more advanced.

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