Or you can call it the "Almost Naked Hand Puppet". You can even fool the dog with this one. It's so simple a Cave-Crafter can do it. OK, OK, all kidding aside this is a simple kid project with fun results. Materials are 2 pipe cleaners (any color), two white buttons (3/4"), two black buttons (about 1/4" or so), fast tack glue, and a few pony beads to go into the hair.
First take two pipe cleaners bend in the middle and wrap around your middle finger (not tight). Twist at the top to make a ring around your finger. Glue the two black beads inside the white beads. Position the black beads off to the side then let them dry. Loop both sets of pipe cleaners into a curve to form eye sockets for buttons. Glue buttons into curves, making curves tight to hold eye in place. Twist sets of pipe cleaners together again. With ends that are left, spread out and bend a little to form hair. Push pony beads onto 4 hair strands. Try on your Hand Puppet and have fun.